WAAZ Consultancy

one-stop career consultancy

helping you find education, migration and employment abroad

what we do

We are a one stop consultancy for job seekers, study abroad and migration.
We have partnered with trusted SLBFE approved recruitment agents, 2000+ universities and honest consultants to guide you to the opportunity you seek.

We are transparent in our offerings to our clients. We also have a flexible refund policy to ease your choice in working with us.


We are here to guide you on your career journey. We assist you to find suitable jobs, successfully interview and make informed choices.

Study Abroad

WAAZ assists everyone looking for good education and career opportunity - in secondary, tertiary, college and masters programs.


There are many pathways for migration. Our migration assistance is for the entire family to move abroad and start a new life.


We have partnered with 10+ trusted SLBFE approved recruitment agents in Sri Lanka. Our partners include but include Trans Gulf, Devan Consultants, Selco and Trans World.

Honesty and Transparency

We promote all our partners – Job seekers, Employers, Recruitment agents and Educational institutes to be transparent with their offerings come to mutual understanding before committing.

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As consultants, we do our best to accommodate all our partners within the legal framework.

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Our Values

A service company is as good as it's values and where it stands in it's day to day activities.

Our values is not something we write on our profile. We stand by every word here.

Honesty and Transparency

We promote all our partners – Job seekers, Employers, Recruitment agents and Educational institutes to be transparent with their offerings come to mutual understanding before committing.

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As consultants, we do our best to accommodate all our partners within the legal framework.

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Our Values

A service company is as good as it's values and where it stands in it's day to day activities.

Our values is not something we write on our profile. We stand by every word here.

Honesty and Transparency

We promote all our partners – Job seekers, Employers, Recruitment agents and Educational institutes to be transparent with their offerings come to mutual understanding before committing.

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As consultants, we do our best to accommodate all our partners within the legal framework.

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